Sunday, October 25, 2015

SYNCOPE/Pre-syncope its Causes and mechanisms

How the heart's cells contract and relax

Types of chest pain ! Which one is cardiac ?

A-Typical angina – pain or discomfort that is ;
1) substernal,
2) provoked by exercise and/or emotion, and
3) relieved by rest and/or nitroglycerin.

B-Atypical angina – pain or discomfort that has two of the three features listed for typical angina.

C-Non-anginal chest pain – pain or discomfort that has one or none of the three features listed for typical angina .
It should be emphasized that patients with non-anginal chest pain may still be at risk for acute myocardial infarction or acute coronary syndrome.

Other causes of ST-Elevation on ECG

The Criteria for diagnosing MI with LBBB And other ECG changes to be taken into account

Variant forms of dyspnea & Cardiovascular causes of dyspnea